Youth and Music

Since the beginning of 2019, the Swiss Youth and Music programme has supplemented the existing range of music education in Liechtenstein as well. An agreement with Switzerland guarantees that the Liechtenstein public can enjoy equal access to the programme. The aim of the programme is to promote the musical education of children and young people. Already from the outset, inclusion of Liechtenstein had been envisaged as a possibility. The agreement was signed on 25 May 2018 by Minister Aurelia Frick and Swiss President Alain Berset.

Y+M is designed as a broad-based programme to encourage as many children and young people as possible to engage in musical activities. The support offered includes music courses and music camps for children and young people as well as training and education for Y+M leaders. Y+M supplements the services offered by schools, music schools, and music organisations so that children and young people between the ages of six and 20 have even better access to musical activities.

In Liechtenstein, the main beneficiaries of the programme are children and young people, who benefit from even greater access to music. But Y+M also offers associations – such as community bands, choirs, and anyone else involved in music – additional opportunities and possibilities for further training and certification. Music schools and regular schools can also offer and sponsor extracurricular courses and camps.

The Youth and Music programme has been open since 13 February 2019 to anyone in Liechtenstein who is interested. Applications are accepted by the programme implementation office in Bern. It is also possible to register with the competent office in Liechtenstein, the Office of Cultural Affairs.