
The website of the Liechtenstein Seniors' Association provides a wealth of useful information for seniors. A key element of the platform is the section on "Ageing", which contains insightful answers to the most frequently asked questions that arise in consultations. The section on "Housing and living for seniors" includes information for seniors on independent living in their own homes, residences for seniors, and retirement and nursing homes. The "Care and nursing" section covers outpatient care and nursing at home, adult day care, and inpatient care and nursing in retirement and nursing homes. The "Planning ahead" section provides information on patient decrees and living wills, powers of attorney, and last wills and testaments. Finally, the "Finances" section covers supplementary benefits to Old-Age and Survivors'/Disability Insurance, helplessness allowances, reduced health insurance premiums, financial social assistance, care and nursing allowances, and retirement in general.