Education Strategy 2025plus

Education Strategy 2025plus was developed together with parents, schools, public authorities, business associations, and youth representatives. The core vision of the strategy is an education system that supports everyone in Liechtenstein in developing their potential, enabling them to exercise responsibility and self-determination while participating actively in a human, open, and democratic society. Other key elements are a jointly defined mission and an understanding of education shared by everyone involved.

The vision, mission, and understanding of education are put into practice through several fields of action derived from social megatrends, the requisite new skills resulting from these megatrends, the strengths of the current school system, and the available potential. The initial fields of action are high-quality education, greater autonomy, diverse educational paths, education for all, empowerment for the future, networking and mobility, early support, and educational personnel. This list is not exhaustive and can be supplemented as needed.

Education Strategy 2025plus is implemented by incorporating these fields of action into existing projects and by using them to guide future projects. An important feature is that the individual educational institutions develop their own approach to the fields of action, defining priorities, time frames, and necessary resources. Regular workshops and events supplement the Education Strategy.

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