Education for Sustainable Development

Education plays a key role in the pursuit of sustainable development for our society. To support this role, the United Nations has launched the global education campaign, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The principle behind this campaign is to enable people to think and act with a view to the future by understanding the impact of their own actions on the world and making responsible and sustainable decisions on the basis of that understanding.

ESD is also reflected in the design of the Liechtenstein Curriculum (LiLe). By teaching defined sustainable development skills, schools enable students to contribute to shaping a sustainable future. For this purpose, seven interdisciplinary fields subsumed under the guiding principle of sustainable development have been integrated into the LiLe and incorporated into the curricula for individual school subjects:

  • Politics, democracy, and human rights
  • Natural environment and resources
  • Gender and gender equality
  • Health
  • Global development and peace
  • Cultural identities and intercultural understanding
  • Economics and consumption

More information is available at